# text: "Sorry, the ⌘ key is needed for technical reasons (dragging won’t work without it)."
# item 2: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=20 y1=10 x2=52 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 1
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=280 y1=56 x2=344 y2=76
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=8 x2=352 y2=40
# text: "Sorry, at least one of the modifiers must be selected."
# item 2: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=20 y1=10 x2=52 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 1
# 2 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=223 y1=62 x2=287 y2=82
# text: "Cancel"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=8 x2=290 y2=56
# text: "Please type in the key combination you want to use to center the front window on the screen."
# 7 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=364 y1=252 x2=460 y2=272
# text: "Done"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=16 y1=252 x2=128 y2=272
# text: "Save docs…"
# item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=144 y1=252 x2=344 y2=272
# text: "Save registration form…"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=14 y1=6 x2=358 y2=22
# text: "\\PROG \\VERS - \\COST"
# item 4: PICTURE (0x40) enabled
# bounds: x1=364 y1=5 x2=464 y2=24
# PICT resource ID: 5000
# item 5: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=16 y1=30 x2=449 y2=238
# data: ""
# item 6: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x87) disabled
# bounds: x1=448 y1=30 x2=464 y2=238
# CNTL resource ID: 5000
# 16 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=390 y1=276 x2=470 y2=296
# text: "Save…"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=296 y1=276 x2=376 y2=296
# text: "Cancel"
# item 2: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=132 y1=12 x2=468 y2=28
# text: "your full name"
# item 3: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=132 y1=40 x2=468 y2=104
# text: "street address\ncity, state, zip code\ncountry"
# item 4: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=132 y1=116 x2=268 y2=132
# text: "your phone #"
# item 5: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=332 y1=116 x2=468 y2=132
# text: "your fax #"
# item 6: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=132 y1=144 x2=468 y2=160
# text: "your E-mail addresses (if any)"
# item 7: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=132 y1=172 x2=468 y2=188
# text: "where did you get this program?"
# item 8: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=132 y1=200 x2=468 y2=264
# text: "comments, suggestions, problems, ideas…\n--- fill with credit card data or clear ---\nVisa/MasterCard/American Express/Discover\n#xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, expiring xx/xxxx"
# item 9: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=12 x2=120 y2=28
# text: "Name:"
# item 10: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=40 x2=120 y2=56
# text: "Mailing address:"
# item 11: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=116 x2=120 y2=132
# text: "Phone:"
# item 12: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=288 y1=116 x2=320 y2=132
# text: "Fax:"
# item 13: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=144 x2=120 y2=160
# text: "E-mail address:"
# item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=172 x2=120 y2=188
# text: "Program origin:"
# item 15: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=200 x2=120 y2=264
# text: "Comments:\n(or credit card type, number and exp. date)"